LittleWood Stallions
$650/LFG $10 day mare care
LittleWood Rio Bravado (Pepper) is a once in a lifetime horse. He is quiet to handle, as as saddle horse or as a breeding stallion. He's nice to ride when we are working cattle, on a trail ride or in the show ring. Pepper was bred to be an asset on our ranch, and we think he will be an asset to yours also!
Pepper is getting older. As such we are limiting his book. Please contact me for availability.
Bay Stallion, about 14.3h. Dark red with metallic highlights, Curly black mane and tail.
Pepper has been consistently producing pretty foals, with excellent dispositions.
Many inherit his curly mane and tail.
Casland Everytime
Cap's Shadow
Primavera Bravado
Ro Mac
Berta Sonfield
LittleWood Rio Bravado
AMHA # 00157704 5/14/01
Mary Mel's Shikar
Willowrun Hayli
Mortana Flash
Twin Ida Dolley
Twin Ida Doris Kay
Show results:
2010- Morgan Grand National-5th Green Rider

Far West Morgan- Trail Champion

Magic Valley Dressage- 1st T,T4, 2nd T, T3

ISHSA-Spring Fling- 2nd AMSOPS Stallions in-hand
2008- Far West Morgan show; 1st non-pro reining, 2nd training, T1 dressage,
3rd-Amatuer Trail, 3rd-Open Trail, 4th-Trail Championship.
Idaho Trial Challenge- 3rd -English Open
5th Horse Affairs Trail Challenge,
2007- Finished 9th in several circuits of DallyPost Ranch Horse Versatility Competion,
with wins in Riding/Trail, Ranch Cutting and Working Cowhorse.
2006- 4th Novice Trail Far West Regional Morgan Show
6th Junior Horse Trail Far West Regional Morgan Show
Many ribbons in reining and trail at the Idaho State Horse Show Assoc
Many ribbons in reining, trail, halter, and working cow horse at the Gallatin Classic,
2005 MVBA Junior trail horse- 3rd
Eastern Slope Ranch-Mountain Trail Classic Green horse 10th
November '04 was Pepper's arena debut at the OHC Mountain TrailChampionship, with Amie riding.